Monday, March 3, 2008

Leather Furniture For The Glamour

Though somewhat expensive, leather items can add a touch of glamour and sophistication to the interior decoration of any house. These look effortlessly posh anywhere and you do not have to add further embellishments to enhance their looks. In fact, you could even use a leather couch as a part of your bedroom furniture and instantly update the look of the room from old school to modern. This article will help you learn about the different types of leather and the best methods to care for this beautiful material.

Many types of leather can be seen in any furniture store. Naturally finished leather is one of the most popular options. It is the type which is least processed and therefore requires least maintenance. It is also very supple and needs to be kept away from direct sunlight. Brushed leather gives a brushed look and feel, and is more luxurious to the touch. It is also high maintenance. Distressed leather looks antiquated and is created such to give it a worn out look. This leather ages gracefully and the gradations in color and marks, make it look classic. The protected leather has uniformity in color and is heavily processed. These are stain protected, so if you have kids or pets in your house, this type will give you the least worry.

Whether you have sofa sets that are completely made of leather or just a chair cover or recliner, you will have to pay some attention to its maintenance. Your leather furniture can look as beautiful as the day it was bought if you pay a little attention to its overall upkeep. Leather often lasts for a very long time if taken good care of. For everyday cleaning, you can do simple dusting using a dry cloth. You could also vacuum clean the crevices and other hard to reach areas of the couch.

Use a leather conditioner to polish the leather. Another point is to avoid direct sunlight or other harsh lights on your leather furniture. This is because the color of leather tends to fade in the presence of bright lights. If there are spills, take a dry cloth and wipe it off. If needed, moisten the cloth with lukewarm water and then clean the area gently. Let the area air dry. Do not use detergent soaps or too much water in any stained area as that might aggravate the damage. Also, avoid the temptation to use the cleaning solvents or oils on leather. If the stain does not go by your simple efforts, call a professional cleaner instead of trying to work on it further by yourself.

If there are scratch marks, try to smooth them out gently. Don't use varnishes or ammonia based water as they are too harsh for the material. With some attention and care, leather can be very durable and provide comfort to all and beauty to your home's decor. It can become a useful investment and can be an exquisite show piece for your guests.